Roundworm in fish can be detected using new technology

An unpleasant little white worm is the last thing you want to find on your dinner plate. Novel technology is now in place that allows detection and removal of Nematodes – roundworms – from whitefish fillets before they enter the dinner table. Spectroscopic technology is already used commercially in the fishing industry to assess the…

The chemistry of perfect strawberries is key when robots learn to pick them

The Norwegian strawberry season is underway. For the time being, all berries are picked by hand, but robots might be doing the job in just a few years. Nofima scientists are in the process of developing sensors that can measure taste. The scientists are mapping the chemistry of ripe strawberries, getting a sensory panel to…

A handheld water meter for dried and salted cod

  We are developing a handheld NIR instrument that can be used to measure water content in dried and salted cod. This work is closely linked to similar activities in DigiFoods. An instrument like this can find a number useful applications in the food industry. Watch the video to learn about what the industry requires,…

The goal is genuine innovation

Digital Food Quality – a centre for research-based innovation has been in operation for just over a year. The centre, also known as DigiFoods for short, is headed by senior scientist Jens Petter Wold of Nofima. Its goal is to develop smart sensors for measuring product quality without having to cut into or touch the…

Annual report 2021

In this annual report we present the main work  and results achieved in 2021. In addition, we get to know some of the people who are important contributors to the progress of DigiFoods. Brian Marquardt, founder and CEO of MarqMetrix, shares his views on how to create value based on state-ofthe-art Raman spectroscopy We meet…

DigiFoods and the sustainable development goals

At DigiFoods first physical annual meeting more than 70 representatives from the partners participated. A lot of interesting research result were presented, followed by engaging discussions and conversations. The introduction by Jens Petter Wold, the Centre Director of SFI DigiFoods and senior scientist in Nofima, showed that despite the pandemic, a lot of research and…

Watch webinar on data sharing – mainly in Norwegian

Fikk du ikke med deg webinaret Deling av data i matverdikjeden, kan du se det her. Både forskere, teknologileverandører og matprodusenter delte innsikter om hva som skal til for å sikre riktig matkvalitet og et bærekraftig matsystem. Se webinaret i opptak Noen av postene på programmet: Quality data sharing to increase consumer trust, satisfaction and reduce…

Smart sensors – Sustainable Foods

The first DigiFoods annual report is here. SFI Digital Food Quality was established in October 2020. In December, the Board approved the DigiFoods Working Plan for 2021, consisting of 10 research projects. The annual report provides a brief presentation of each of these research projects, and a short summary of activities started in 2020. In…

Podcast episode on Digital Food Quality

The guest in the recent episode of the Podcast “30 minutter inn i fremtiden” (30 minutes into the future) is Centre Director of DigiFoods Jens Petter Wold. He talks about the project. The use of sensor technology, AI and data analysis to improve food quality and production. He also gives us a glimse of what…